namespace EdiFabric.Templates.EancomD01B { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using EdiFabric.Core.Annotations.Edi; using EdiFabric.Core.Annotations.Validation; using EdiFabric.Core.Model.Edi; using EdiFabric.Core.Model.Edi.Edifact; /// /// Allowance or charge /// [Serializable()] [Segment("ALC")] public class ALC : IALC { /// /// Allowance or charge code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("5463", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5463))] [Pos(1)] public string Allowanceorchargecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// ALLOWANCE/CHARGE INFORMATION /// [Pos(2)] public C552 ALLOWANCECHARGEINFORMATION_02 { get; set; } /// /// Settlement means code /// [DataElement("4471", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4471))] [Pos(3)] public string Settlementmeanscode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Calculation sequence code /// [DataElement("1227", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1227))] [Pos(4)] public string Calculationsequencecode_04 { get; set; } /// /// SPECIAL SERVICES IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(5)] public C214 SPECIALSERVICESIDENTIFICATION_05 { get; set; } } /// /// Additional information /// [Serializable()] [Segment("ALI")] public class ALI : IALI { /// /// Country of origin name code /// [DataElement("3239", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3239))] [Pos(1)] public string Countryoforiginnamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Duty regime type code /// [DataElement("9213", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_9213))] [Pos(2)] public string Dutyregimetypecode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Special condition code /// [DataElement("4183", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4183))] [Pos(3)] public string Specialconditioncode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Special condition code /// [DataElement("4183", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4183))] [Pos(4)] public string Specialconditioncode_04 { get; set; } /// /// Special condition code /// [DataElement("4183", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4183))] [Pos(5)] public string Specialconditioncode_05 { get; set; } /// /// Special condition code /// [DataElement("4183", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4183))] [Pos(6)] public string Specialconditioncode_06 { get; set; } /// /// Special condition code /// [DataElement("4183", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4183))] [Pos(7)] public string Specialconditioncode_07 { get; set; } } /// /// Additional price information /// [Serializable()] [Segment("APR")] public class APR : IAPR { /// /// Trade class code /// [DataElement("4043", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4043))] [Pos(1)] public string Tradeclasscode_01 { get; set; } /// /// PRICE MULTIPLIER INFORMATION /// [Pos(2)] public C138 PRICEMULTIPLIERINFORMATION_02 { get; set; } /// /// REASON FOR CHANGE /// [Pos(3)] public C960 REASONFORCHANGE_03 { get; set; } } /// /// Beginning of message /// [Serializable()] [Segment("BGM")] public class BGM : IBGM { /// /// DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME /// [Pos(1)] public C002 DOCUMENTMESSAGENAME_01 { get; set; } /// /// DOCUMENT/MESSAGE IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(2)] public C106 DOCUMENTMESSAGEIDENTIFICATION_02 { get; set; } /// /// Message function code /// [DataElement("1225", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1225))] [Pos(3)] public string Messagefunctioncode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Response type code /// [DataElement("4343", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4343))] [Pos(4)] public string Responsetypecode_04 { get; set; } } /// /// Control total /// [Serializable()] [Segment("CNT")] public class CNT : ICNT { /// /// CONTROL /// [Required] [Pos(1)] public C270 CONTROL_01 { get; set; } } /// /// Communication contact /// [Serializable()] [Segment("COM")] public class COM : ICOM { /// /// COMMUNICATION CONTACT /// [Required] [Pos(1)] public C076 COMMUNICATIONCONTACT_01 { get; set; } } /// /// Contact information /// [Serializable()] [Segment("CTA")] public class CTA : ICTA { /// /// Contact function code /// [DataElement("3139", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3139))] [Pos(1)] public string Contactfunctioncode_01 { get; set; } /// /// DEPARTMENT OR EMPLOYEE DETAILS /// [Pos(2)] public C056 DEPARTMENTOREMPLOYEEDETAILS_02 { get; set; } } /// /// Currencies /// [Serializable()] [Segment("CUX")] public class CUX : ICUX { /// /// CURRENCY DETAILS /// [Pos(1)] public C504 CURRENCYDETAILS_01 { get; set; } /// /// CURRENCY DETAILS /// [Pos(2)] public C504 CURRENCYDETAILS_02 { get; set; } /// /// Currency exchange rate /// [StringLength(1, 12)] [DataElement("5402", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(3)] public string Currencyexchangerate_03 { get; set; } /// /// Exchange rate currency market identifier /// [DataElement("6341", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6341))] [Pos(4)] public string Exchangeratecurrencymarketidentifier_04 { get; set; } } /// /// Date/time/period /// [Serializable()] [Segment("DTM")] public class DTM : IDTM { /// /// DATE/TIME/PERIOD /// [Required] [Pos(1)] public C507 DATETIMEPERIOD_01 { get; set; } } /// /// Financial institution information /// [Serializable()] [Segment("FII")] public class FII : IFII { /// /// Party function code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("3035", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3035))] [Pos(1)] public string Partyfunctioncodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// ACCOUNT HOLDER IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(2)] public C078 ACCOUNTHOLDERIDENTIFICATION_02 { get; set; } /// /// INSTITUTION IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(3)] public C088 INSTITUTIONIDENTIFICATION_03 { get; set; } /// /// Country name code /// [DataElement("3207", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3207))] [Pos(4)] public string Countrynamecode_04 { get; set; } } /// /// Free text /// [Serializable()] [Segment("FTX")] public class FTX : IFTX { /// /// Text subject code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("4451", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4451))] [Pos(1)] public string Textsubjectcodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Free text function code /// [DataElement("4453", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4453))] [Pos(2)] public string Freetextfunctioncode_02 { get; set; } /// /// TEXT REFERENCE /// [Pos(3)] public C107 TEXTREFERENCE_03 { get; set; } /// /// TEXT LITERAL /// [Pos(4)] public C108 TEXTLITERAL_04 { get; set; } /// /// Language name code /// [DataElement("3453", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3453))] [Pos(5)] public string Languagenamecode_05 { get; set; } /// /// Free text format code /// [StringLength(1, 3)] [DataElement("4447", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(6)] public string Freetextformatcode_06 { get; set; } } /// /// Goods identity number /// [Serializable()] [Segment("GIN")] public class GIN : IGIN { /// /// Object identification code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("7405", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7405))] [Pos(1)] public string Objectidentificationcodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE /// [Required] [Pos(2)] public C208 IDENTITYNUMBERRANGE_02 { get; set; } /// /// IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE /// [Pos(3)] public C208 IDENTITYNUMBERRANGE_03 { get; set; } /// /// IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE /// [Pos(4)] public C208 IDENTITYNUMBERRANGE_04 { get; set; } /// /// IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE /// [Pos(5)] public C208 IDENTITYNUMBERRANGE_05 { get; set; } /// /// IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE /// [Pos(6)] public C208 IDENTITYNUMBERRANGE_06 { get; set; } } /// /// Item description /// [Serializable()] [Segment("IMD")] public class IMD : IIMD { /// /// Description format code /// [DataElement("7077", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7077))] [Pos(1)] public string Descriptionformatcode_01 { get; set; } /// /// ITEM CHARACTERISTIC /// [Pos(2)] public C272 ITEMCHARACTERISTIC_02 { get; set; } /// /// ITEM DESCRIPTION /// [Pos(3)] public C273 ITEMDESCRIPTION_03 { get; set; } /// /// Surface or layer code /// [StringLength(1, 3)] [DataElement("7383", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Surfaceorlayercode_04 { get; set; } } /// /// Line item /// [Serializable()] [Segment("LIN")] public class LIN : ILIN { /// /// Line item identifier /// [StringLength(1, 6)] [DataElement("1082", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Lineitemidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Action request/notification description code /// [DataElement("1229", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1229))] [Pos(2)] public string Actionrequestnotificationdescriptioncode_02 { get; set; } /// /// ITEM NUMBER IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(3)] public C212 ITEMNUMBERIDENTIFICATION_03 { get; set; } /// /// SUB-LINE INFORMATION /// [Pos(4)] public C829 SUBLINEINFORMATION_04 { get; set; } /// /// Configuration level number /// [StringLength(1, 2)] [DataElement("1222", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(5)] public string Configurationlevelnumber_05 { get; set; } /// /// Configuration operation code /// [DataElement("7083", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7083))] [Pos(6)] public string Configurationoperationcode_06 { get; set; } } /// /// Place/location identification /// [Serializable()] [Segment("LOC")] public class LOC : ILOC { /// /// Location function code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("3227", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3227))] [Pos(1)] public string Locationfunctioncodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// LOCATION IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(2)] public C517 LOCATIONIDENTIFICATION_02 { get; set; } /// /// RELATED LOCATION ONE IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(3)] public C519 RELATEDLOCATIONONEIDENTIFICATION_03 { get; set; } /// /// RELATED LOCATION TWO IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(4)] public C553 RELATEDLOCATIONTWOIDENTIFICATION_04 { get; set; } /// /// Relation code /// [StringLength(1, 3)] [DataElement("5479", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Relationcode_05 { get; set; } } /// /// Measurements /// [Serializable()] [Segment("MEA")] public class MEA : IMEA { /// /// Measurement purpose code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("6311", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6311))] [Pos(1)] public string Measurementpurposecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// MEASUREMENT DETAILS /// [Pos(2)] public C502 MEASUREMENTDETAILS_02 { get; set; } /// /// VALUE/RANGE /// [Pos(3)] public C174 VALUERANGE_03 { get; set; } /// /// Surface or layer code /// [StringLength(1, 3)] [DataElement("7383", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Surfaceorlayercode_04 { get; set; } } /// /// Monetary amount /// [Serializable()] [Segment("MOA")] public class MOA : IMOA { /// /// MONETARY AMOUNT /// [Required] [Pos(1)] public C516 MONETARYAMOUNT_01 { get; set; } } /// /// Name and address /// [Serializable()] [Segment("NAD")] public class NAD : INAD { /// /// Party function code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("3035", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3035))] [Pos(1)] public string Partyfunctioncodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS /// [Pos(2)] public C082 PARTYIDENTIFICATIONDETAILS_02 { get; set; } /// /// NAME AND ADDRESS /// [Pos(3)] public C058 NAMEANDADDRESS_03 { get; set; } /// /// PARTY NAME /// [Pos(4)] public C080 PARTYNAME_04 { get; set; } /// /// STREET /// [Pos(5)] public C059 STREET_05 { get; set; } /// /// City name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3164", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(6)] public string Cityname_06 { get; set; } /// /// COUNTRY SUB-ENTITY DETAILS /// [Pos(7)] public C819 COUNTRYSUBENTITYDETAILS_07 { get; set; } /// /// Postal identification code /// [StringLength(1, 17)] [DataElement("3251", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(8)] public string Postalidentificationcode_08 { get; set; } /// /// Country name code /// [DataElement("3207", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3207))] [Pos(9)] public string Countrynamecode_09 { get; set; } } /// /// Package /// [Serializable()] [Segment("PAC")] public class PAC : IPAC { /// /// Package quantity /// [StringLength(1, 8)] [DataElement("7224", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(1)] public string Packagequantity_01 { get; set; } /// /// PACKAGING DETAILS /// [Pos(2)] public C531 PACKAGINGDETAILS_02 { get; set; } /// /// PACKAGE TYPE /// [Pos(3)] public C202 PACKAGETYPE_03 { get; set; } /// /// PACKAGE TYPE IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(4)] public C402 PACKAGETYPEIDENTIFICATION_04 { get; set; } /// /// RETURNABLE PACKAGE DETAILS /// [Pos(5)] public C532 RETURNABLEPACKAGEDETAILS_05 { get; set; } } /// /// Payment instructions /// [Serializable()] [Segment("PAI")] public class PAI : IPAI { /// /// PAYMENT INSTRUCTION DETAILS /// [Required] [Pos(1)] public C534 PAYMENTINSTRUCTIONDETAILS_01 { get; set; } } /// /// Payment terms basis /// [Serializable()] [Segment("PAT")] public class PAT : IPAT { /// /// Payment terms type code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("4279", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4279))] [Pos(1)] public string Paymenttermstypecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// PAYMENT TERMS /// [Pos(2)] public C110 PAYMENTTERMS_02 { get; set; } /// /// TERMS/TIME INFORMATION /// [Pos(3)] public C112 TERMSTIMEINFORMATION_03 { get; set; } } /// /// Percentage details /// [Serializable()] [Segment("PCD")] public class PCD : IPCD { /// /// PERCENTAGE DETAILS /// [Required] [Pos(1)] public C501 PERCENTAGEDETAILS_01 { get; set; } /// /// Status description code /// [DataElement("4405", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4405))] [Pos(2)] public string Statusdescriptioncode_02 { get; set; } } /// /// Package identification /// [Serializable()] [Segment("PCI")] public class PCI : IPCI { /// /// Marking instructions code /// [DataElement("4233", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4233))] [Pos(1)] public string Markinginstructionscode_01 { get; set; } /// /// MARKS & LABELS /// [Pos(2)] public C210 MARKSLABELS_02 { get; set; } /// /// Container or package contents indicator code /// [DataElement("8275", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_8275))] [Pos(3)] public string Containerorpackagecontentsindicatorcode_03 { get; set; } /// /// TYPE OF MARKING /// [Pos(4)] public C827 TYPEOFMARKING_04 { get; set; } } /// /// Additional product id /// [Serializable()] [Segment("PIA")] public class PIA : IPIA { /// /// Product identifier code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("4347", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4347))] [Pos(1)] public string Productidentifiercodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// ITEM NUMBER IDENTIFICATION /// [Required] [Pos(2)] public C212 ITEMNUMBERIDENTIFICATION_02 { get; set; } /// /// ITEM NUMBER IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(3)] public C212 ITEMNUMBERIDENTIFICATION_03 { get; set; } /// /// ITEM NUMBER IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(4)] public C212 ITEMNUMBERIDENTIFICATION_04 { get; set; } /// /// ITEM NUMBER IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(5)] public C212 ITEMNUMBERIDENTIFICATION_05 { get; set; } /// /// ITEM NUMBER IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(6)] public C212 ITEMNUMBERIDENTIFICATION_06 { get; set; } } /// /// Price details /// [Serializable()] [Segment("PRI")] public class PRI : IPRI { /// /// PRICE INFORMATION /// [Pos(1)] public C509 PRICEINFORMATION_01 { get; set; } /// /// Sub-line item price change operation code /// [DataElement("5213", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5213))] [Pos(2)] public string Sublineitempricechangeoperationcode_02 { get; set; } } /// /// Quantity /// [Serializable()] [Segment("QTY")] public class QTY : IQTY { /// /// QUANTITY DETAILS /// [Required] [Pos(1)] public C186 QUANTITYDETAILS_01 { get; set; } } /// /// Quantity variances /// [Serializable()] [Segment("QVR")] public class QVR : IQVR { /// /// QUANTITY DIFFERENCE INFORMATION /// [Pos(1)] public C279 QUANTITYDIFFERENCEINFORMATION_01 { get; set; } /// /// Discrepancy nature identification code /// [DataElement("4221", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4221))] [Pos(2)] public string Discrepancynatureidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// REASON FOR CHANGE /// [Pos(3)] public C960 REASONFORCHANGE_03 { get; set; } } /// /// Reference /// [Serializable()] [Segment("RFF")] public class RFF : IRFF { /// /// REFERENCE /// [Required] [Pos(1)] public C506 REFERENCE_01 { get; set; } } /// /// Rate details /// [Serializable()] [Segment("RTE")] public class RTE : IRTE { /// /// RATE DETAILS /// [Required] [Pos(1)] public C128 RATEDETAILS_01 { get; set; } /// /// Status description code /// [DataElement("4405", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4405))] [Pos(2)] public string Statusdescriptioncode_02 { get; set; } } /// /// Duty/tax/fee details /// [Serializable()] [Segment("TAX")] public class TAX : ITAX { /// /// Duty or tax or fee function code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("5283", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5283))] [Pos(1)] public string Dutyortaxorfeefunctioncodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// DUTY/TAX/FEE TYPE /// [Pos(2)] public C241 DUTYTAXFEETYPE_02 { get; set; } /// /// DUTY/TAX/FEE ACCOUNT DETAIL /// [Pos(3)] public C533 DUTYTAXFEEACCOUNTDETAIL_03 { get; set; } /// /// Duty or tax or fee assessment basis value /// [StringLength(1, 15)] [DataElement("5286", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Dutyortaxorfeeassessmentbasisvalue_04 { get; set; } /// /// DUTY/TAX/FEE DETAIL /// [Pos(5)] public C243 DUTYTAXFEEDETAIL_05 { get; set; } /// /// Duty or tax or fee category code /// [DataElement("5305", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5305))] [Pos(6)] public string Dutyortaxorfeecategorycode_06 { get; set; } /// /// Party tax identifier /// [StringLength(1, 20)] [DataElement("3446", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(7)] public string Partytaxidentifier_07 { get; set; } /// /// Calculation sequence code /// [DataElement("1227", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1227))] [Pos(8)] public string Calculationsequencecode_08 { get; set; } } /// /// Details of transport /// [Serializable()] [Segment("TDT")] public class TDT : ITDT { /// /// Transport stage code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("8051", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_8051))] [Pos(1)] public string Transportstagecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Means of transport journey identifier /// [StringLength(1, 17)] [DataElement("8028", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Meansoftransportjourneyidentifier_02 { get; set; } /// /// MODE OF TRANSPORT /// [Pos(3)] public C220 MODEOFTRANSPORT_03 { get; set; } /// /// TRANSPORT MEANS /// [Pos(4)] public C228 TRANSPORTMEANS_04 { get; set; } /// /// CARRIER /// [Pos(5)] public C040 CARRIER_05 { get; set; } /// /// Transit direction indicator code /// [DataElement("8101", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_8101))] [Pos(6)] public string Transitdirectionindicatorcode_06 { get; set; } /// /// EXCESS TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION /// [Pos(7)] public C401 EXCESSTRANSPORTATIONINFORMATION_07 { get; set; } /// /// TRANSPORT IDENTIFICATION /// [Pos(8)] public C222 TRANSPORTIDENTIFICATION_08 { get; set; } /// /// Transport means ownership indicator code /// [DataElement("8281", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_8281))] [Pos(9)] public string Transportmeansownershipindicatorcode_09 { get; set; } } /// /// Terms of delivery or transport /// [Serializable()] [Segment("TOD")] public class TOD : ITOD { /// /// Delivery or transport terms function code /// [DataElement("4055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4055))] [Pos(1)] public string Deliveryortransporttermsfunctioncode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Transport charges payment method code /// [DataElement("4215", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4215))] [Pos(2)] public string Transportchargespaymentmethodcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// TERMS OF DELIVERY OR TRANSPORT /// [Pos(3)] public C100 TERMSOFDELIVERYORTRANSPORT_03 { get; set; } } /// /// Section control /// [Serializable()] [Segment("UNS")] public class UNS : IUNS { /// /// Section identification /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 1)] [DataElement("0081", typeof(EDIFACT_A))] [Pos(1)] public string Sectionidentification_01 { get; set; } } }