namespace EdiFabric.Templates.EancomD01B { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using EdiFabric.Core.Annotations.Edi; using EdiFabric.Core.Annotations.Validation; using EdiFabric.Core.Model.Edi; using EdiFabric.Core.Model.Edi.Edifact; /// /// DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C002")] public class C002 : IC002 { /// /// Document name code /// [DataElement("1001", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1001))] [Pos(1)] public string Documentnamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Document name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("1000", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Documentname_04 { get; set; } } /// /// CARRIER /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C040")] public class C040 : IC040 { /// /// Carrier identifier /// [StringLength(1, 17)] [DataElement("3127", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Carrieridentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Carrier name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3128", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Carriername_04 { get; set; } } /// /// DEPARTMENT OR EMPLOYEE DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C056")] public class C056 : IC056 { /// /// Department or employee name code /// [StringLength(1, 17)] [DataElement("3413", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Departmentoremployeenamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Department or employee name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3412", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Departmentoremployeename_02 { get; set; } } /// /// NAME AND ADDRESS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C058")] public class C058 : IC058 { /// /// Name and address description /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3124", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Nameandaddressdescription_01 { get; set; } /// /// Name and address description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3124", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Nameandaddressdescription_02 { get; set; } /// /// Name and address description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3124", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(3)] public string Nameandaddressdescription_03 { get; set; } /// /// Name and address description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3124", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Nameandaddressdescription_04 { get; set; } /// /// Name and address description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3124", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Nameandaddressdescription_05 { get; set; } } /// /// STREET /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C059")] public class C059 : IC059 { /// /// Street and number or post office box identifier /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3042", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Streetandnumberorpostofficeboxidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Street and number or post office box identifier /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3042", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Streetandnumberorpostofficeboxidentifier_02 { get; set; } /// /// Street and number or post office box identifier /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3042", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(3)] public string Streetandnumberorpostofficeboxidentifier_03 { get; set; } /// /// Street and number or post office box identifier /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3042", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Streetandnumberorpostofficeboxidentifier_04 { get; set; } } /// /// COMMUNICATION CONTACT /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C076")] public class C076 : IC076 { /// /// Communication address identifier /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 512)] [DataElement("3148", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Communicationaddressidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Communication address code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("3155", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3155))] [Pos(2)] public string Communicationaddresscodequalifier_02 { get; set; } } /// /// ACCOUNT HOLDER IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C078")] public class C078 : IC078 { /// /// Account holder identifier /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3194", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Accountholderidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Account holder name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3192", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Accountholdername_02 { get; set; } /// /// Account holder name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3192", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(3)] public string Accountholdername_03 { get; set; } /// /// Currency identification code /// [DataElement("6345", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6345))] [Pos(4)] public string Currencyidentificationcode_04 { get; set; } } /// /// PARTY NAME /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C080")] public class C080 : IC080 { /// /// Party name /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3036", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Partyname_01 { get; set; } /// /// Party name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3036", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Partyname_02 { get; set; } /// /// Party name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3036", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(3)] public string Partyname_03 { get; set; } /// /// Party name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3036", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Partyname_04 { get; set; } /// /// Party name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3036", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Partyname_05 { get; set; } /// /// Party name format code /// [DataElement("3045", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3045))] [Pos(6)] public string Partynameformatcode_06 { get; set; } } /// /// PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C082")] public class C082 : IC082 { /// /// Party identifier /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("3039", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Partyidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } } /// /// INSTITUTION IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C088")] public class C088 : IC088 { /// /// Institution name code /// [DataElement("3433", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3433))] [Pos(1)] public string Institutionnamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Institution branch identifier /// [StringLength(1, 17)] [DataElement("3434", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Institutionbranchidentifier_04 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(5)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_05 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(6)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_06 { get; set; } /// /// Institution name /// [StringLength(1, 70)] [DataElement("3432", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(7)] public string Institutionname_07 { get; set; } /// /// Institution branch location name /// [StringLength(1, 70)] [DataElement("3436", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(8)] public string Institutionbranchlocationname_08 { get; set; } } /// /// TERMS OF DELIVERY OR TRANSPORT /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C100")] public class C100 : IC100 { /// /// Delivery or transport terms description code /// [DataElement("4053", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4053))] [Pos(1)] public string Deliveryortransporttermsdescriptioncode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Delivery or transport terms description /// [StringLength(1, 70)] [DataElement("4052", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Deliveryortransporttermsdescription_04 { get; set; } /// /// Delivery or transport terms description /// [StringLength(1, 70)] [DataElement("4052", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Deliveryortransporttermsdescription_05 { get; set; } } /// /// DOCUMENT/MESSAGE IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C106")] public class C106 : IC106 { /// /// Document identifier /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("1004", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Documentidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Version identifier /// [StringLength(1, 9)] [DataElement("1056", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Versionidentifier_02 { get; set; } /// /// Revision identifier /// [StringLength(1, 6)] [DataElement("1060", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(3)] public string Revisionidentifier_03 { get; set; } } /// /// TEXT REFERENCE /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C107")] public class C107 : IC107 { /// /// Free text value code /// [Required] [DataElement("4441", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4441))] [Pos(1)] public string Freetextvaluecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } } /// /// TEXT LITERAL /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C108")] public class C108 : IC108 { /// /// Free text value /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 512)] [DataElement("4440", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Freetextvalue_01 { get; set; } /// /// Free text value /// [StringLength(1, 512)] [DataElement("4440", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Freetextvalue_02 { get; set; } /// /// Free text value /// [StringLength(1, 512)] [DataElement("4440", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(3)] public string Freetextvalue_03 { get; set; } /// /// Free text value /// [StringLength(1, 512)] [DataElement("4440", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Freetextvalue_04 { get; set; } /// /// Free text value /// [StringLength(1, 512)] [DataElement("4440", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Freetextvalue_05 { get; set; } } /// /// PAYMENT TERMS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C110")] public class C110 : IC110 { /// /// Payment terms description identifier /// [Required] [DataElement("4277", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4277))] [Pos(1)] public string Paymenttermsdescriptionidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Payment terms description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("4276", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Paymenttermsdescription_04 { get; set; } /// /// Payment terms description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("4276", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Paymenttermsdescription_05 { get; set; } } /// /// TERMS/TIME INFORMATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C112")] public class C112 : IC112 { /// /// Time reference code /// [Required] [DataElement("2475", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_2475))] [Pos(1)] public string Timereferencecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Terms time relation code /// [DataElement("2009", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_2009))] [Pos(2)] public string Termstimerelationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Period type code /// [DataElement("2151", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_2151))] [Pos(3)] public string Periodtypecode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Period count quantity /// [StringLength(1, 3)] [DataElement("2152", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(4)] public string Periodcountquantity_04 { get; set; } } /// /// RATE DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C128")] public class C128 : IC128 { /// /// Rate type code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("5419", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5419))] [Pos(1)] public string Ratetypecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Unit price basis rate /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 15)] [DataElement("5420", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(2)] public string Unitpricebasisrate_02 { get; set; } /// /// Unit price basis value /// [StringLength(1, 9)] [DataElement("5284", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(3)] public string Unitpricebasisvalue_03 { get; set; } /// /// Measurement unit code /// [DataElement("6411", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6411))] [Pos(4)] public string Measurementunitcode_04 { get; set; } } /// /// PRICE MULTIPLIER INFORMATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C138")] public class C138 : IC138 { /// /// Price multiplier rate /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 12)] [DataElement("5394", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(1)] public string Pricemultiplierrate_01 { get; set; } /// /// Price multiplier type code qualifier /// [DataElement("5393", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5393))] [Pos(2)] public string Pricemultipliertypecodequalifier_02 { get; set; } } /// /// VALUE/RANGE /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C174")] public class C174 : IC174 { /// /// Measurement unit code /// [Required] [DataElement("6411", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6411))] [Pos(1)] public string Measurementunitcode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Measurement value /// [StringLength(1, 18)] [DataElement("6314", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Measurementvalue_02 { get; set; } /// /// Range minimum value /// [StringLength(1, 18)] [DataElement("6162", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(3)] public string Rangeminimumvalue_03 { get; set; } /// /// Range maximum value /// [StringLength(1, 18)] [DataElement("6152", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(4)] public string Rangemaximumvalue_04 { get; set; } /// /// Significant digits quantity /// [StringLength(1, 2)] [DataElement("6432", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(5)] public string Significantdigitsquantity_05 { get; set; } } /// /// QUANTITY DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C186")] public class C186 : IC186 { /// /// Quantity type code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("6063", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6063))] [Pos(1)] public string Quantitytypecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Quantity /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("6060", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Quantity_02 { get; set; } /// /// Measurement unit code /// [DataElement("6411", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6411))] [Pos(3)] public string Measurementunitcode_03 { get; set; } } /// /// PACKAGE TYPE /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C202")] public class C202 : IC202 { /// /// Package type description code /// [DataElement("7065", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7065))] [Pos(1)] public string Packagetypedescriptioncode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Type of packages /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7064", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Typeofpackages_04 { get; set; } } /// /// IDENTITY NUMBER RANGE /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C208")] public class C208 : IC208 { /// /// Object identifier /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7402", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Objectidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Object identifier /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7402", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Objectidentifier_02 { get; set; } } /// /// MARKS & LABELS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C210")] public class C210 : IC210 { /// /// Shipping marks description /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_01 { get; set; } /// /// Shipping marks description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_02 { get; set; } /// /// Shipping marks description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(3)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_03 { get; set; } /// /// Shipping marks description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_04 { get; set; } /// /// Shipping marks description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_05 { get; set; } /// /// Shipping marks description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(6)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_06 { get; set; } /// /// Shipping marks description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(7)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_07 { get; set; } /// /// Shipping marks description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(8)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_08 { get; set; } /// /// Shipping marks description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(9)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_09 { get; set; } /// /// Shipping marks description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7102", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(10)] public string Shippingmarksdescription_10 { get; set; } } /// /// ITEM NUMBER IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C212")] public class C212 : IC212 { /// /// Item identifier /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7140", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Itemidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Item type identification code /// [DataElement("7143", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7143))] [Pos(2)] public string Itemtypeidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(4)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_04 { get; set; } } /// /// SPECIAL SERVICES IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C214")] public class C214 : IC214 { /// /// Special service description code /// [DataElement("7161", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7161))] [Pos(1)] public string Specialservicedescriptioncode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Special service description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7160", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Specialservicedescription_04 { get; set; } /// /// Special service description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7160", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Specialservicedescription_05 { get; set; } } /// /// MODE OF TRANSPORT /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C220")] public class C220 : IC220 { /// /// Transport mode name code /// [DataElement("8067", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_8067))] [Pos(1)] public string Transportmodenamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Transport mode name /// [StringLength(1, 17)] [DataElement("8066", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Transportmodename_02 { get; set; } } /// /// TRANSPORT IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C222")] public class C222 : IC222 { /// /// Transport means identification name identifier /// [StringLength(1, 9)] [DataElement("8213", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Transportmeansidentificationnameidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Transport means identification name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("8212", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Transportmeansidentificationname_04 { get; set; } /// /// Transport means nationality code /// [DataElement("8453", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_8453))] [Pos(5)] public string Transportmeansnationalitycode_05 { get; set; } } /// /// TRANSPORT MEANS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C228")] public class C228 : IC228 { /// /// Transport means description code /// [DataElement("8179", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_8179))] [Pos(1)] public string Transportmeansdescriptioncode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Transport means description /// [StringLength(1, 17)] [DataElement("8178", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Transportmeansdescription_02 { get; set; } } /// /// DUTY/TAX/FEE TYPE /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C241")] public class C241 : IC241 { /// /// Duty or tax or fee type name code /// [DataElement("5153", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5153))] [Pos(1)] public string Dutyortaxorfeetypenamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Duty or tax or fee type name /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("5152", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Dutyortaxorfeetypename_04 { get; set; } } /// /// DUTY/TAX/FEE DETAIL /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C243")] public class C243 : IC243 { /// /// Duty or tax or fee rate code /// [StringLength(1, 7)] [DataElement("5279", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Dutyortaxorfeeratecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Duty or tax or fee rate /// [StringLength(1, 17)] [DataElement("5278", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Dutyortaxorfeerate_04 { get; set; } /// /// Duty or tax or fee rate basis code /// [DataElement("5273", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5273))] [Pos(5)] public string Dutyortaxorfeeratebasiscode_05 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(6)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_06 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(7)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_07 { get; set; } } /// /// CONTROL /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C270")] public class C270 : IC270 { /// /// Control total type code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("6069", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6069))] [Pos(1)] public string Controltotaltypecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Control total value /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 18)] [DataElement("6066", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(2)] public string Controltotalvalue_02 { get; set; } /// /// Measurement unit code /// [DataElement("6411", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6411))] [Pos(3)] public string Measurementunitcode_03 { get; set; } } /// /// ITEM CHARACTERISTIC /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C272")] public class C272 : IC272 { /// /// Item characteristic code /// [DataElement("7081", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7081))] [Pos(1)] public string Itemcharacteristiccode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } } /// /// ITEM DESCRIPTION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C273")] public class C273 : IC273 { /// /// Item description code /// [DataElement("7009", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7009))] [Pos(1)] public string Itemdescriptioncode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Item description /// [StringLength(1, 256)] [DataElement("7008", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Itemdescription_04 { get; set; } /// /// Item description /// [StringLength(1, 256)] [DataElement("7008", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Itemdescription_05 { get; set; } /// /// Language name code /// [DataElement("3453", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3453))] [Pos(6)] public string Languagenamecode_06 { get; set; } } /// /// QUANTITY DIFFERENCE INFORMATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C279")] public class C279 : IC279 { /// /// Quantity variance value /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 15)] [DataElement("6064", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(1)] public string Quantityvariancevalue_01 { get; set; } /// /// Quantity type code qualifier /// [DataElement("6063", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6063))] [Pos(2)] public string Quantitytypecodequalifier_02 { get; set; } } /// /// EXCESS TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C401")] public class C401 : IC401 { /// /// Excess transportation reason code /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 3)] [DataElement("8457", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Excesstransportationreasoncode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Excess transportation responsibility code /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 3)] [DataElement("8459", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Excesstransportationresponsibilitycode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Customer shipment authorisation identifier /// [StringLength(1, 17)] [DataElement("7130", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(3)] public string Customershipmentauthorisationidentifier_03 { get; set; } } /// /// PACKAGE TYPE IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C402")] public class C402 : IC402 { /// /// Description format code /// [Required] [DataElement("7077", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7077))] [Pos(1)] public string Descriptionformatcode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Type of packages /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7064", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Typeofpackages_02 { get; set; } /// /// Item type identification code /// [DataElement("7143", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7143))] [Pos(3)] public string Itemtypeidentificationcode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Type of packages /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("7064", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Typeofpackages_04 { get; set; } /// /// Item type identification code /// [DataElement("7143", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7143))] [Pos(5)] public string Itemtypeidentificationcode_05 { get; set; } } /// /// PERCENTAGE DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C501")] public class C501 : IC501 { /// /// Percentage type code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("5245", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5245))] [Pos(1)] public string Percentagetypecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Percentage /// [StringLength(1, 10)] [DataElement("5482", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(2)] public string Percentage_02 { get; set; } /// /// Percentage basis identification code /// [DataElement("5249", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5249))] [Pos(3)] public string Percentagebasisidentificationcode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(4)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_04 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(5)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_05 { get; set; } } /// /// MEASUREMENT DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C502")] public class C502 : IC502 { /// /// Measured attribute code /// [DataElement("6313", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6313))] [Pos(1)] public string Measuredattributecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Measurement significance code /// [DataElement("6321", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6321))] [Pos(2)] public string Measurementsignificancecode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Non-discrete measurement name code /// [DataElement("6155", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6155))] [Pos(3)] public string Nondiscretemeasurementnamecode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Non-discrete measurement name /// [StringLength(1, 70)] [DataElement("6154", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Nondiscretemeasurementname_04 { get; set; } } /// /// CURRENCY DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C504")] public class C504 : IC504 { /// /// Currency usage code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("6347", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6347))] [Pos(1)] public string Currencyusagecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Currency identification code /// [DataElement("6345", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6345))] [Pos(2)] public string Currencyidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Currency type code qualifier /// [DataElement("6343", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6343))] [Pos(3)] public string Currencytypecodequalifier_03 { get; set; } /// /// Currency rate value /// [StringLength(1, 4)] [DataElement("6348", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(4)] public string Currencyratevalue_04 { get; set; } } /// /// REFERENCE /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C506")] public class C506 : IC506 { /// /// Reference code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("1153", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1153))] [Pos(1)] public string Referencecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Reference identifier /// [StringLength(1, 70)] [DataElement("1154", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Referenceidentifier_02 { get; set; } /// /// Document line identifier /// [StringLength(1, 6)] [DataElement("1156", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(3)] public string Documentlineidentifier_03 { get; set; } /// /// Reference version identifier /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("4000", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Referenceversionidentifier_04 { get; set; } /// /// Revision identifier /// [StringLength(1, 6)] [DataElement("1060", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(5)] public string Revisionidentifier_05 { get; set; } } /// /// DATE/TIME/PERIOD /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C507")] public class C507 : IC507 { /// /// Date or time or period function code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("2005", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_2005))] [Pos(1)] public string Dateortimeorperiodfunctioncodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Date or time or period value /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("2380", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Dateortimeorperiodvalue_02 { get; set; } /// /// Date or time or period format code /// [DataElement("2379", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_2379))] [Pos(3)] public string Dateortimeorperiodformatcode_03 { get; set; } } /// /// PRICE INFORMATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C509")] public class C509 : IC509 { /// /// Price code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("5125", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5125))] [Pos(1)] public string Pricecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Price amount /// [StringLength(1, 15)] [DataElement("5118", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(2)] public string Priceamount_02 { get; set; } /// /// Price type code /// [DataElement("5375", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5375))] [Pos(3)] public string Pricetypecode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Price specification code /// [DataElement("5387", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5387))] [Pos(4)] public string Pricespecificationcode_04 { get; set; } /// /// Unit price basis value /// [StringLength(1, 9)] [DataElement("5284", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(5)] public string Unitpricebasisvalue_05 { get; set; } /// /// Measurement unit code /// [DataElement("6411", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6411))] [Pos(6)] public string Measurementunitcode_06 { get; set; } } /// /// MONETARY AMOUNT /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C516")] public class C516 : IC516 { /// /// Monetary amount type code qualifier /// [Required] [DataElement("5025", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5025))] [Pos(1)] public string Monetaryamounttypecodequalifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Monetary amount /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("5004", typeof(EDIFACT_N))] [Pos(2)] public string Monetaryamount_02 { get; set; } /// /// Currency identification code /// [DataElement("6345", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6345))] [Pos(3)] public string Currencyidentificationcode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Currency type code qualifier /// [DataElement("6343", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_6343))] [Pos(4)] public string Currencytypecodequalifier_04 { get; set; } /// /// Status description code /// [DataElement("4405", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4405))] [Pos(5)] public string Statusdescriptioncode_05 { get; set; } } /// /// LOCATION IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C517")] public class C517 : IC517 { /// /// Location name code /// [StringLength(1, 25)] [DataElement("3225", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Locationnamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Location name /// [StringLength(1, 256)] [DataElement("3224", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Locationname_04 { get; set; } } /// /// RELATED LOCATION ONE IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C519")] public class C519 : IC519 { /// /// First related location name code /// [StringLength(1, 25)] [DataElement("3223", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Firstrelatedlocationnamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// First related location name /// [StringLength(1, 70)] [DataElement("3222", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Firstrelatedlocationname_04 { get; set; } } /// /// PACKAGING DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C531")] public class C531 : IC531 { /// /// Packaging level code /// [DataElement("7075", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7075))] [Pos(1)] public string Packaginglevelcode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Packaging related description code /// [DataElement("7233", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7233))] [Pos(2)] public string Packagingrelateddescriptioncode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Packaging terms and conditions code /// [DataElement("7073", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_7073))] [Pos(3)] public string Packagingtermsandconditionscode_03 { get; set; } } /// /// RETURNABLE PACKAGE DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C532")] public class C532 : IC532 { /// /// Returnable package freight payment responsibility code /// [DataElement("8395", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_8395))] [Pos(1)] public string Returnablepackagefreightpaymentresponsibilitycode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Returnable package load contents code /// [DataElement("8393", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_8393))] [Pos(2)] public string Returnablepackageloadcontentscode_02 { get; set; } } /// /// DUTY/TAX/FEE ACCOUNT DETAIL /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C533")] public class C533 : IC533 { /// /// Duty or tax or fee account code /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 6)] [DataElement("5289", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Dutyortaxorfeeaccountcode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } } /// /// PAYMENT INSTRUCTION DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C534")] public class C534 : IC534 { /// /// Payment conditions code /// [DataElement("4439", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4439))] [Pos(1)] public string Paymentconditionscode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Payment guarantee means code /// [DataElement("4431", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4431))] [Pos(2)] public string Paymentguaranteemeanscode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Payment means code /// [DataElement("4461", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4461))] [Pos(3)] public string Paymentmeanscode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(4)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_04 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(5)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_05 { get; set; } /// /// Payment channel code /// [DataElement("4435", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4435))] [Pos(6)] public string Paymentchannelcode_06 { get; set; } } /// /// ALLOWANCE/CHARGE INFORMATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C552")] public class C552 : IC552 { /// /// Allowance or charge identifier /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("1230", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Allowanceorchargeidentifier_01 { get; set; } /// /// Allowance or charge identification code /// [DataElement("5189", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5189))] [Pos(2)] public string Allowanceorchargeidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } } /// /// RELATED LOCATION TWO IDENTIFICATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C553")] public class C553 : IC553 { /// /// Second related location name code /// [StringLength(1, 25)] [DataElement("3233", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Secondrelatedlocationnamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Second related location name /// [StringLength(1, 70)] [DataElement("3232", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Secondrelatedlocationname_04 { get; set; } } /// /// COUNTRY SUB-ENTITY DETAILS /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C819")] public class C819 : IC819 { /// /// Country sub-entity name code /// [StringLength(1, 9)] [DataElement("3229", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Countrysubentitynamecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Country sub-entity name /// [StringLength(1, 70)] [DataElement("3228", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Countrysubentityname_04 { get; set; } } /// /// TYPE OF MARKING /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C827")] public class C827 : IC827 { /// /// Marking type code /// [Required] [StringLength(1, 3)] [DataElement("7511", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(1)] public string Markingtypecode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } } /// /// SUB-LINE INFORMATION /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C829")] public class C829 : IC829 { /// /// Sub-line indicator code /// [DataElement("5495", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_5495))] [Pos(1)] public string Sublineindicatorcode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Line item identifier /// [StringLength(1, 6)] [DataElement("1082", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(2)] public string Lineitemidentifier_02 { get; set; } } /// /// REASON FOR CHANGE /// [Serializable()] [Composite("C960")] public class C960 : IC960 { /// /// Change reason description code /// [DataElement("4295", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_4295))] [Pos(1)] public string Changereasondescriptioncode_01 { get; set; } /// /// Code list identification code /// [DataElement("1131", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_1131))] [Pos(2)] public string Codelistidentificationcode_02 { get; set; } /// /// Code list responsible agency code /// [DataElement("3055", typeof(EDIFACT_ID_3055))] [Pos(3)] public string Codelistresponsibleagencycode_03 { get; set; } /// /// Change reason description /// [StringLength(1, 35)] [DataElement("4294", typeof(EDIFACT_AN))] [Pos(4)] public string Changereasondescription_04 { get; set; } } }