
How to translate and validate EDI files?

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Translate local EDI files

With EdiNation, you can translate and validate EDI files for compliance with the guideline. You can visually inspect all errors and cross-reference them with the guideline for quick troubleshooting.

To begin, navigate to the EDI Translator page. Then upload an EDI file by selecting a local file. 


The file contents are displayed in a hierarchical view in the EDI Translator tab, and the validation status is displayed to the right of the Try sample EDI dropdown.


All EDI messages are automatically matched to their corresponding guideline. You can use a custom guideline by building or importing a new EDI model from either SEF or OpenEDI. This custom model then needs to be configured in the settings.


View the validation errors

When the file has errors, all errors are displayed in a list to the left of the EDI Translator tab.


Selecting an error message from the table highlights the item in the hierarchical view of the EDI file that caused that error. The properties of the selected item according to the specification are displayed in the panel above the hierarchical view.



Cross-reference with the EDI specification

All items in the hierarchical EDI data are cross-referenced with the corresponding EDI guideline on the right.



Clicking on an EDI item in either view highlights its specification properties, such as position, type, repetitions, or usage in the panel above the hierarchical view.


Generate X12 or EDIFACT acknowledgment

You can generate fully compliant acknowledgments to complement the validation results. To do so go to the EDI ACK tab.


By default, the X12 ack is 997, but you can change it to X12 999 from the settings.

The ACK dialog always contains both the technical acknowledgment and the functional/implementation acknowledgment as separate interchanges.


Edit the contents of the EDI file and re-analyze it

It's a common scenario for files with errors to want to change a value and rerun the analysis. You can do so by going to the EDI JSON tab. 

Modify the EDI data in the editor and then click the Validate button.




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