When to split EDI files
EDI Tools for .NET allows you to read EDI files using one of the available EDI readers for each of the supported EDI standards.
The EDI Reader provides two modes by default - reading the EDI file in full, and streaming the EDI file, one EDI document at a time. The default modes should be sufficient for most scenarios where the EDI file is either less than 3MB in size or no more than 100 repetitions of a loop exist in any of the EDI documents.
There are situations when multiple repetitions of a loop exist in the same EDI transaction, e.g. hundreds of thousands of benefit enrollments in the same HIPAA 834 message. In order to translate large EDI files in the most performant and memory-efficient way, the so-called "splitting" mechanism must be used in addition to EDI Reader.
You should always split EDI files when any of the conditions are met:
- The EDI file size is > 3MB
- An EDI loop repeats > 1000 times in any of the EDI documents
Additional Information:
How splitting EDI files work
Let's take a look at the following sample EDI file which contains a single X12 850 transaction (e.g. a purchase order). The 850 has a PO1 loop (e.g. the purchase order lines) with two repetitions (e.g. two purchase order lines), PO1*1 and PO1*2.
Message to split into two parts:
ST*850*0001~ BEG*00*SA*XX-1234**20170301**NA~ PER*BD*ED SMITH*TE*8001234567~ TAX*53247765*SP*CA*********9~ N1*BY*ABC AEROSPACE*9*1234567890101~ N2*AIRCRAFT DIVISION~ N3*2000 JET BLVD~ N4*FIGHTER TOWN*CA*98898~ PO1*1*25*EA*36*PE*MG*XYZ-1234~ MEA*WT*WT*10*OZ~ IT8*******B0~ SCH*25*EA***106*20170615~ PO1*2*48*EA*3*PE*MG*R5656-2~ CTT*2~ AMT*TT*900~ SE*16*0001~
When EDI Tools for .NET reads the file using the splitting mode, it will break it into two parts, at the point where a new repetition of the loop that repeats is met.
First part:
ST*850*0001~ BEG*00*SA*XX-1234**20170301**NA~ PER*BD*ED SMITH*TE*8001234567~ TAX*53247765*SP*CA*********9~ N1*BY*ABC AEROSPACE*9*1234567890101~ N2*AIRCRAFT DIVISION~ N3*2000 JET BLVD~ N4*FIGHTER TOWN*CA*98898~ PO1*1*25*EA*36*PE*MG*XYZ-1234~ MEA*WT*WT*10*OZ~ IT8*******B0~ SCH*25*EA***106*20170615~
Second part:
ST*850*0001~ BEG*00*SA*XX-1234**20170301**NA~ PER*BD*ED SMITH*TE*8001234567~ TAX*53247765*SP*CA*********9~ N1*BY*ABC AEROSPACE*9*1234567890101~ N2*AIRCRAFT DIVISION~ N3*2000 JET BLVD~ N4*FIGHTER TOWN*CA*98898~ PO1*2*48*EA*3*PE*MG*R5656-2~ CTT*2~ AMT*TT*900~ SE*16*0001~
Each part is represented by its EDI template, derives from EdiMessage, and retains the transaction ID, the control number, and the rest of the base EdiMessage properties of the original. All parts contain the instance of the current part and all the segments\groups that were previously parsed and that are not in any of the repeating loops.
The first part contains the segments in red and the second part contains the segments in blue.
How to configure splitting for EDI files
Splitting EDI files with EDI Tools for .NET is a two step process:
- Annotate the repeating loop to split by with the [Splitter] attribute
- Configure the EDI Reader for splitting mode
Let's go over the steps in more detail using the example for X12 850 from above, splitting by the PO1 loop.
You can split by any repeating loop in the EDI template, but the loop must be repeating, e.g. defined as a List<>, and only by one loop in the template, e.g. you can't split by multiple loops and only one loop can be annotated with the [Splitter] attribute.
Add the [Splitter] attribute to a repeating loop in the EDI template
First, locate the EDI Template for 850 and locate the TS850 class. Then locate the order lines loop and annotate it with the [Splitter] attribute:
Enable the splitting mode in EDI Reader
var reader = new X12Reader(edi, "Template", new X12ReaderSettings { Split = true });
var reader = new EdifactReader(edi, "Template", new EdifactReaderSettings { Split = true });
var reader = new Hl7Reader(edi, "Template", new Hl7ReaderSettings { Split = true });
var reader = new NcpdpScriptReader(edi, "Template", new NcpdpScriptReaderSettings { Split = true });
Running the above sample 850 message in debug mode results in two TS850 objects - one for each PO1 loop:
Examples in GitHub:
- Split large X12 file
- Split large EDIFACT file
- Split large HL7 file
- Split large NCPDP Telco file
- Split large NCPDP SCRIPT file
Deep copy EDI transactions
Sometimes it's useful to create a deep copy (or copies) of an existing EdiMessage and manually trim down any repetitions, e.g. when you've split by a top-level loop and need an additional breaking by a low-level loop.
To create a deep-copy of an EdiMessage use the Copy() method of EdiMessage. It copies all private, protected, and public fields, as well as the internal parsing and validation cache. The cache can be cleared by calling the ClearCache() method of EdiMessage. This reduces the size of the EdiMessage in memory and is useful when saving the message to a database or exporting it out to a CSV file.
var newPO = po.Copy() as TS850;
var newPO = po.Copy() as TSORDERS;
var newMedRecord = medRecord.Copy() as TSMDMT02;
var newClaim = claim.Copy() as TSB1;
var newPharmacyRequest = pharmacyRequest.Copy() as TSREFREQ;
Often we need to split an 837 on claim or service level, meaning to result that a single 837 transaction contains a single claim with 1 to many service lines or a single claim with a single service line only. can this be done easily?
Hello Yang,
Yes, this is part of the baseline functionality. As you can see in the article above, that is exactly what it does, the splitting works by the property attributed with [Splitter].
For 837 P you can evaluate it yourself because we provide the full template for this transaction. Here is a link to the 837 P template. In it you can set the splitter to the 2000A loop like this:
This way you'll get all the 2000A loops one by one.
What I meat was to split on loop 2300 (claim) or loop 2400 (service) level. I understand how it works on the top level elements as the documentation and the sample shows.
Loop 2300 resides in both 2000B and 2000C. Let's take 2000B as an example. To split on loop 2300, do I need to define a new template class, T837PSplit, which contains a new Loop_2000A_837PSplit that contains a new Loop_2000B_837PSplit that contains Splitter attribute on property List<Loop_2300_837P_2>, or could I?
Hello Yang,
Currently, the reader can only split by a loop at the top level, as explained in the article.
We will look to allow splitting by nested loops in the future, but you can't do this right now with the current template.
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