
X12 999 Acknowledgment Error Codes

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EDI X12 999 implementation acknowledgment reports standard syntax errors, as well as implementation guide errors. The ASC X12 999 transaction set is designed to respond to one and only one functional group (i.e. GS/GE) but will respond to all transaction sets (i.e. ST/SE) within that functional group. EDI Tools for .NET AckMan supports 5010 compliant 999.

The X12 implementation acknowledgment reports the status of the processing of a functional group for HIPAA transactions. It follows almost the same rules as that of 997, however, the structure and codes of the acknowledgment contents are different and follow the 999 rules. AckMan allows you to raise either 997 or 999 acknowledgments, but not both at the same time.

EDI Tools for .NET AckMan does not automatically generate CTX segments.

X12 999 Examples

This topic lists the error codes used within the segments of an X12 999 acknowledgment. Each table indicates which error codes specified by the X12 specification are supported/unsupported in EDI Tools for .NET AckMan.


IK304 Error Codes

The following table lists the error codes used in the IK304 data element of the IK3 segment.

ErrorCode Definition Supported?
1 Unrecognized segment ID Yes
2 Unexpected segment Yes
3 Mandatory segment missing Yes
4 A loop occurs over maximum times Yes
5 Segment exceeds maximum use Yes
6 Segment not in the defined transaction set Yes
7 Segment not in proper sequence Yes
8 The segment has data element errors Yes
I7 Loop occurs under minimum times Yes
I8 Segment occurs under minimum times Yes


IK403 Error Codes

The following table lists the error codes used in the IK403 data element of the IK4 segment.

ErrorCode Definition Supported?
1 Mandatory data element missing Yes
2 Conditional and required data element missing Yes
3 Too many data elements Yes
4 The data element is too short Yes
5 The data element is too long Yes
6 Invalid character in data element Yes
7 Invalid code value Yes
8 Invalid date Yes
9 Invalid time Yes
10 Exclusion condition violated Yes
12 Too many repetitions Yes
13 Too many components Yes
I10 Implementation "Not Used" Data Element Present Yes
I11 Too few repetitions Yes
I13 Implementation Dependent "Not Used" Data Element Present Yes


IK501 Error Codes

The following table lists the error codes used in the IK501 data element of the IK5 segment.

ErrorCode Definition Supported?
A Accepted Yes
E Accepted but errors were noted No
M Rejected, message authentication code (MAC) failed No
P Partially accepted, at least one transaction set was rejected No
R Rejected Yes
W Rejected, assurance failed validity tests No
X Rejected, content after decryption could not be analyzed No


IK502 through IK506 Error Codes

The following table lists the error codes used in the IK502 through IK506 data elements of the IK5 segment.

ErrorCode Definition Supported?
1 The transaction set not supported Yes
2 Transaction set trailer missing Yes
3 The transaction set control number in header and trailer do not match Yes
4 Number of included segments does not match actual count Yes
5 One or more segments in error Yes
6 Missing or invalid transaction set identifier Yes
7 Missing or invalid transaction set control number (a duplicate transaction number may have occurred) Yes
23 Missing or invalid transaction set control number Yes
8 through 27 - No


AK901 Error Codes

The following table lists the error codes used in the AK901 data elements of the AK9 segment.

ErrorCode Definition Supported?
A Accepted Yes
E Accepted, but errors were noted Yes
M Rejected, message authentication code (MAC) failed No
P Partially accepted, at least one transaction set was rejected Yes
R Rejected Yes
W Rejected, assurance failed validity tests No
X Rejected, content after decryption could not be analyzed No


AK905 through AK909 Error Codes

The following table lists the error codes used in the AK905 through AK909 data elements of the AK9 segment.

ErrorCode Definition Supported?
1 The functional group not supported Yes
2 Functional group version not supported Yes
3 Functional group trailer missing Yes
4 Group control number in the functional group header and trailer do not agree Yes
5 Number of included transaction sets does not match actual count Yes
6 Group control number violates syntax (a duplicate group control number may have occurred) Yes
7 through 26 - No
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