X12 ISA Specification
X12 ISA specification is available at:
EDI Tools for .NET C# Examples
The example below is part of the EDI Tools for .NET C# Code Examples.
The Generate X12 ISA code is also available on GitHub
How to generate X12 ISA with EDI Tools for .NET
/// Build ISA.
public static ISA BuildIsa(string controlNumber,
string senderId = "SENDER1",
string senderQ = "14",
string receiverId = "RECEIVER1",
string receiverQ = "16",
string ackRequested = "1",
string testIndicator = "T")
return new ISA
// Authorization Information Qualifier
AuthorizationInformationQualifier_1 = "00",
// Authorization Information
AuthorizationInformation_2 = "".PadRight(10),
// Security Information Qualifier
SecurityInformationQualifier_3 = "00",
// Security Information
SecurityInformation_4 = "".PadRight(10),
// Interchange ID Qualifier
SenderIDQualifier_5 = senderQ,
// Interchange Sender
InterchangeSenderID_6 = senderId.PadRight(15),
// Interchange ID Qualifier
ReceiverIDQualifier_7 = receiverQ,
// Interchange Receiver
InterchangeReceiverID_8 = receiverId.PadRight(15),
// Date
InterchangeDate_9 = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyMMdd"),
// Time
InterchangeTime_10 = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString("hhmm"),
// Standard identifier
InterchangeControlStandardsIdentifier_11 = "U",
// Interchange Version ID
// This is the ISA version and not the transaction sets versions
InterchangeControlVersionNumber_12 = "00204",
// Interchange Control Number
InterchangeControlNumber_13 = controlNumber.PadLeft(9, '0'),
// Acknowledgment Requested (0 or 1)
AcknowledgementRequested_14 = ackRequested,
// Test Indicator
UsageIndicator_15 = testIndicator,
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