X12 HIPAA 834 Specification
X12 HIPAA 834 specification is available at:
X12 HIPAA 834 Sample File
X12 834 sample file is available at:
EDI Tools for .NET C# Examples
The example below is part of the EDI Tools for .NET C# Code Examples.
The Parse & Generate HIPAA 834 code is also available on GitHub
Additional operations for X12 HIPAA 834
- Parse X12 files
- Generate X12 files
- Validate X12 messages
- Generate X12 acknowledgments
- Save X12 files to DB
- Convert between X12 and JSON
- Convert between X12 and XML
How to parse & generate X12 HIPAA 834 with EDI Tools for .NET
using EdiFabric.Framework.Readers;
using EdiFabric.Framework.Writers;
using EdiFabric.Templates.Hipaa5010;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using EdiFabric.Core.Model.Edi;
using EdiFabric.Core.Model.Edi.X12;
using EdiFabric.Examples.X12.Common;
namespace EdiFabric.Examples.X12.T834
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
/// Read Benefit Enrollment
static void Read()
var ediStream = File.OpenRead(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\..\..\..\Files\Hipaa\BenefitEnrollment.txt");
List ediItems;
using (var ediReader = new X12Reader(ediStream, "EdiFabric.Templates.Hipaa"))
ediItems = ediReader.ReadToEnd().ToList();
var transactions = ediItems.OfType();
foreach (var transaction in transactions)
if (transaction.HasErrors)
// partially parsed
var errors = transaction.ErrorContext.Flatten();
/// Write Benefit Enrollment
static void Write()
var transaction = BuildBenefitEnrollment("12345");
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
using (var writer = new X12Writer(stream))
writer.Write(SegmentBuilders.BuildGs("1", "SENDER1", "RECEIVER1", "005010X220A1"));
var ediString = stream.LoadToString();
/// Build benefit enrollment.
/// Original from http://www.x12.org/examples/005010X220/enroll-employee-in-multiple-health-care-insurance-products/
static TS834 BuildBenefitEnrollment(string controlNumber)
var result = new TS834();
// Used to indicate the start of a transaction set and to specify a transaction set control number.
result.ST = new ST();
result.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode_01 = "834";
result.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber_02 = controlNumber.PadLeft(9, '0');
// This is an original transaction uniquely identified by the sender with reference #12456. The transaction was created on 5/20/1998 at 12:00 Noon.
result.BGN_BeginningSegment = new BGN_BeginningSegment();
result.BGN_BeginningSegment.TransactionSetPurposeCode_01 = "00";
result.BGN_BeginningSegment.TransactionSetReferenceNumber_02 = "12456";
result.BGN_BeginningSegment.TransactionSetCreationDate_03 = "19980520";
result.BGN_BeginningSegment.TransactionSetCreationTime_04 = "1200";
result.BGN_BeginningSegment.ActionCode_08 = "2";
// Occurrence of N1 Loops in any order
result.AllN1 = new All_N1_834();
// Begin 1000A Loop
result.AllN1.Loop1000A = new Loop_1000A_834();
// Specifies the sponsor/sender's tax ID number.
result.AllN1.Loop1000A.N1_SponsorName = new N1_SponsorName();
result.AllN1.Loop1000A.N1_SponsorName.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "P5";
result.AllN1.Loop1000A.N1_SponsorName.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "FI";
result.AllN1.Loop1000A.N1_SponsorName.IntermediaryBankIdentifier_04 = "999888777";
// End 1000A Loop
// Begin 1000B Loop
result.AllN1.Loop1000B = new Loop_1000B_834();
// Specifies the insurance company/receiver's tax ID number.
result.AllN1.Loop1000B.N1_Payer = new N1_Payer();
result.AllN1.Loop1000B.N1_Payer.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "IN";
result.AllN1.Loop1000B.N1_Payer.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "FI";
result.AllN1.Loop1000B.N1_Payer.IntermediaryBankIdentifier_04 = "654456654";
// End 1000B Loop
// Repeating 2000 Loops
result.Loop2000 = new List();
// Begin 2000 Loop
var loop2000 = new Loop_2000_834();
// Beginning of Table 2. Indicates that the subscriber (John Doe) is adding coverage as an active employee.
loop2000.INS_MemberLevelDetail = new INS_MemberLevelDetail();
loop2000.INS_MemberLevelDetail.InsuredIndicator_01 = "Y";
loop2000.INS_MemberLevelDetail.IndividualRelationshipCode_02 = "18";
loop2000.INS_MemberLevelDetail.MaintenanceTypeCode_03 = "021";
loop2000.INS_MemberLevelDetail.MaintenanceReasonCode_04 = "20";
loop2000.INS_MemberLevelDetail.BenefitStatusCode_05 = "A";
loop2000.INS_MemberLevelDetail.EmploymentStatusCode_08 = "FT";
// Occurrence of REF segments in any order
loop2000.AllREF = new All_REF_834_2();
// John's subscriber ID number.
loop2000.AllREF.REF_SubscriberIdentifier = new REF_SubscriberIdentifier();
loop2000.AllREF.REF_SubscriberIdentifier.ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01 = "0F";
loop2000.AllREF.REF_SubscriberIdentifier.MemberGrouporPolicyNumber_02 = "123456789";
// This is the group number assigned by the carrier.
loop2000.AllREF.REF_MemberPolicyNumber = new REF_MemberPolicyNumber();
loop2000.AllREF.REF_MemberPolicyNumber.ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01 = "1L";
loop2000.AllREF.REF_MemberPolicyNumber.MemberGrouporPolicyNumber_02 = "123456001";
// Repeating DTP
loop2000.DTP_MemberLevelDates = new List();
// The eligibility date for this transaction is 5/23/1996.
var dtp1 = new DTP_MemberLevelDates();
dtp1.DateTimeQualifier_01 = "356";
dtp1.DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_02 = "D8";
dtp1.DateTimePeriod_03 = "19960523";
// Occurrence of N1 Loops in any order
loop2000.AllNM1 = new All_NM1_834();
// Begin 2100A Loop
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A = new Loop_2100A_834();
// Subscriber's name.
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.NM1_MemberName = new NM1_MemberName();
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.NM1_MemberName.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "IL";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.NM1_MemberName.EntityTypeQualifier_02 = "1";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.NM1_MemberName.ResponseContactLastorOrganizationName_03 = "DOE";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.NM1_MemberName.ResponseContactFirstName_04 = "JOHN";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.NM1_MemberName.ResponseContactMiddleName_05 = "P";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.NM1_MemberName.IdentificationCodeQualifier_08 = "34";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.NM1_MemberName.ResponseContactIdentifier_09 = "123456789";
// John's home phone number is (717)234-3334 and his work number is (717) 234-1240.
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.PER_MemberCommunicationsNumbers = new PER_MemberCommunicationsNumbers();
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.PER_MemberCommunicationsNumbers.ContactFunctionCode_01 = "IP";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.PER_MemberCommunicationsNumbers.CommunicationNumberQualifier_03 = "HP";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.PER_MemberCommunicationsNumbers.ResponseContactCommunicationNumber_04 = "7172343334";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.PER_MemberCommunicationsNumbers.CommunicationNumberQualifier_05 = "WP";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.PER_MemberCommunicationsNumbers.ResponseContactCommunicationNumber_06 = "7172341240";
// This is John's street address.
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.N3_MemberResidenceStreetAddress = new N3_AdditionalPatientInformationContactAddress();
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.N3_MemberResidenceStreetAddress.ResponseContactAddressLine_01 = "100 MARKET ST";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.N3_MemberResidenceStreetAddress.ResponseContactAddressLine_02 = "APT 3G";
// This is John's city, state zip code and county.
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.N4_MemberCity_State_ZIPCode = new N4_MemberCity();
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.N4_MemberCity_State_ZIPCode.AdditionalPatientInformationContactCityName_01 = "CAMP HILL";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.N4_MemberCity_State_ZIPCode.AdditionalPatientInformationContactStateCode_02 = "PA";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.N4_MemberCity_State_ZIPCode.AdditionalPatientInformationContactPostalZoneorZIPCode_03 = "17011";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.N4_MemberCity_State_ZIPCode.LocationQualifier_05 = "CY";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.N4_MemberCity_State_ZIPCode.LocationIdentifier_06 = "CUMBERLAND";
// This is John's date of birth and gender.
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.DMG_MemberDemographics = new DMG_MemberDemographics();
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.DMG_MemberDemographics.DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_01 = "D8";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.DMG_MemberDemographics.DependentBirthDate_02 = "19400816";
loop2000.AllNM1.Loop2100A.DMG_MemberDemographics.DependentGenderCode_03 = "M";
// End 2100A Loop
// Repeating 2300 Loops
loop2000.Loop2300 = new List();
// Begin 2300 Loop 1
var loop23001 = new Loop_2300_834();
// John is enrolling in a health benefit.
loop23001.HD_HealthCoverage = new HD_HealthCoverage();
loop23001.HD_HealthCoverage.MaintenanceTypeCode_01 = "021";
loop23001.HD_HealthCoverage.InsuranceLineCode_03 = "HLT";
// Repeating DTP
loop23001.DTP_HealthCoverageDates = new List();
// The benefits under this plan begin 6/01/1996.
var dtp2 = new DTP_HealthCoverageDates();
dtp2.DateTimeQualifier_01 = "348";
dtp2.DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_02 = "D8";
dtp2.DateTimePeriod_03 = "19960601";
// Repeating 2320 Loops
loop23001.Loop2320 = new List();
// Begin 2320 Loop
var loop23201 = new Loop_2320_834();
// This lets the carrier know that John has COB with another company.
loop23201.COB_CoordinationofBenefits = new COB_CoordinationofBenefits();
loop23201.COB_CoordinationofBenefits.PayerResponsibilitySequenceNumberCode_01 = "P";
loop23201.COB_CoordinationofBenefits.MemberGrouporPolicyNumber_02 = "890111";
loop23201.COB_CoordinationofBenefits.CoordinationofBenefitsCode_03 = "5";
// End 2320 Loop
// End 2300 Loop 1
// Begin 2300 Loop 2
var loop23002 = new Loop_2300_834();
// John is enrolling in the Dental benefit.
loop23002.HD_HealthCoverage = new HD_HealthCoverage();
loop23002.HD_HealthCoverage.MaintenanceTypeCode_01 = "021";
loop23002.HD_HealthCoverage.InsuranceLineCode_03 = "DEN";
// Repeating DTP
loop23002.DTP_HealthCoverageDates = new List();
// The benefits under this plan begin 6/01/1996.
var dtp3 = new DTP_HealthCoverageDates();
dtp3.DateTimeQualifier_01 = "348";
dtp3.DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_02 = "D8";
dtp3.DateTimePeriod_03 = "19960601";
// End 2300 Loop 2
// Begin 2300 Loop 3
var loop23003 = new Loop_2300_834();
// John is enrolling in the Vision benefit.
loop23003.HD_HealthCoverage = new HD_HealthCoverage();
loop23003.HD_HealthCoverage.MaintenanceTypeCode_01 = "021";
loop23003.HD_HealthCoverage.InsuranceLineCode_03 = "VIS";
// Repeating DTP
loop23003.DTP_HealthCoverageDates = new List();
// The benefits under this plan begin 6/01/1996.
var dtp4 = new DTP_HealthCoverageDates();
dtp4.DateTimeQualifier_01 = "348";
dtp4.DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_02 = "D8";
dtp4.DateTimePeriod_03 = "19960601";
// End 2300 Loop 3
// End 2000 Loop
return result;
- Hipaa-5010-834-BenefitEnrollment.txt701 Bytes
i have used the sample to generate result using our own values, i was able to get data as a transaction as ST and SE, my question does this method submit this result to any other method, how to add the envelopes isa - iea and gs - ge to this result.
your sample seems to have those envelopes, but in code sample nothing is mentioned related to same, could you please suggest a solution for this.
You can refer to the documentation here, download the SDK for working examples from here (search for 834 or X12.Write or x12 segmentbuilders), or jump to GitHub here and here.
Dear Admin,
Thanks a lot , that was extremely helpful.
i was looking for those segment builders only. this completes my solution in one piece.
Thanks and Regards
Hi there,
Is there a way to identify the event information of INS Member,
Thanks and Regards
Perhaps this would help - code lists
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