X12 855 Specification
X12 855 specification is available at:
X12 855 Sample File
X12 855 sample file is available at:
EDI Tools for .NET C# Examples
The example below is part of the EDI Tools for .NET C# Code Examples.
The Parse & Generate X12 855 code is also available on GitHub
Additional operations for X12 855
- Parse X12 files
- Generate X12 files
- Validate X12 messages
- Generate X12 acknowledgments
- Save X12 files to DB
- Convert between X12 and JSON
- Convert between X12 and XML
How to parse & generate X12 855 with EDI Tools for .NET
using EdiFabric.Core.Model.Edi;
using EdiFabric.Core.Model.Edi.X12;
using EdiFabric.Examples.X12.Common;
using EdiFabric.Framework.Readers;
using EdiFabric.Framework.Writers;
using EdiFabric.Templates.X12004010;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace EdiFabric.Examples.X12.T855
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
/// Read Purchase Orders Acknowledgement
static void Read()
var ediStream = File.OpenRead(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\..\..\..\Files\X12\PurchaseOrdersAcknowledgement.txt");
List ediItems;
using (var ediReader = new X12Reader(ediStream, "EdiFabric.Templates.X12"))
ediItems = ediReader.ReadToEnd().ToList();
var transactions = ediItems.OfType();
foreach (var transaction in transactions)
if (transaction.HasErrors)
// partially parsed
var errors = transaction.ErrorContext.Flatten();
/// Write Purchase Orders Acknowledgement
static void Write()
var transaction = BuildPurchaseOrdersAcknowledgement("5");
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
using (var writer = new X12Writer(stream))
var ediString = stream.LoadToString();
/// Builds Purchase Orders Acknowledgement.
/// Original from http://www.jobisez.com/edi/tp/guide.aspx?doc=/edi-igs/Kohls/edi_855.pdf
static TS855 BuildPurchaseOrdersAcknowledgement(string controlNumber)
var result = new TS855();
// 855 is the Transaction Set Identifier Code for the Purchase Orders Acknowledgement
// 0001 is the Transaction Set Control Number
result.ST = new ST();
result.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode_01 = "855";
result.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber_02 = controlNumber.PadLeft(9, '0');
// Purchase Order Number 1234567
// Purchase Order Date 01 / 02 / 05
result.BAK = new BAK();
result.BAK.TransactionSetPurposeCode_01 = "16";
result.BAK.AcknowledgmentType_02 = "AP";
result.BAK.PurchaseOrderNumber_03 = "1234567";
result.BAK.Date_04 = "20050102";
// Repeating DTM
result.DTM = new List();
// Scheduled Ship Date 02 / 03 / 05
var dtm1 = new DTM();
dtm1.DateTimeQualifier_01 = "068";
dtm1.Date_02 = "20050203";
// Repeating N1 Loops
result.N1Loop = new List();
// Begin N1 Loop 1
var n1Loop1 = new Loop_N1_855();
// Vendor DUNS 987654321
n1Loop1.N1 = new N1();
n1Loop1.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "SF";
n1Loop1.N1.Name_02 = "XYZ MANUFACTURING CO";
n1Loop1.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "01";
n1Loop1.N1.IdentificationCode_04 = "987654321";
// End N1 Loop 1
// Begin N1 Loop 2
var n1Loop2 = new Loop_N1_855();
// Ship to Distribution Center 0085 in Menomonee Falls WI
n1Loop2.N1 = new N1();
n1Loop2.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01 = "ST";
n1Loop2.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "92";
n1Loop2.N1.IdentificationCode_04 = "0085";
// End N1 Loop 2
// Repeating PO1 Loops
result.PO1Loop = new List();
// Begin PO1 Loop 1
var po1Loop1 = new Loop_PO1_855();
// UPC 1-23456-78901-2
// Quantity Ordered 3(Each)
// Kohl’s SKU NONE
// Vendor Style BLU89Z012
// NRMA Color Code(CM) 123
// Vendor Color(VE) BLUESKY
// NRMA Size Code(SM) 12345
// Vendor Size(SZ) W32XL34
po1Loop1.PO1 = new PO1();
po1Loop1.PO1.AssignedIdentification_01 = "000001";
po1Loop1.PO1.QuantityOrdered_02 = "3";
po1Loop1.PO1.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_03 = "EA";
po1Loop1.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_06 = "UP";
po1Loop1.PO1.ProductServiceID_07 = "123456789012";
po1Loop1.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_08 = "VA";
po1Loop1.PO1.ProductServiceID_09 = "BLU89Z012";
po1Loop1.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_10 = "CM";
po1Loop1.PO1.ProductServiceID_11 = "123";
po1Loop1.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_12 = "SM";
po1Loop1.PO1.ProductServiceID_13 = "12345";
// End PO1 Loop 1
// Begin PO1 Loop 2
var po1Loop2 = new Loop_PO1_855();
// UPC 1-23456-79812-3
// Quantity Ordered 5(Each)
// Kohl’s SKU NONE
// Vendor Style BLK98A023
// NRMA Color Code(CM) 321
// Vendor Color(VE) BLACK - COAL
// NRMA Size Code(SM) 12345
// Vendor Size(SZ) W32XL34
po1Loop2.PO1 = new PO1();
po1Loop2.PO1.AssignedIdentification_01 = "000002";
po1Loop2.PO1.QuantityOrdered_02 = "5";
po1Loop2.PO1.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_03 = "EA";
po1Loop2.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_06 = "UP";
po1Loop2.PO1.ProductServiceID_07 = "123456798123";
po1Loop2.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_08 = "VA";
po1Loop2.PO1.ProductServiceID_09 = "BLK98A023";
po1Loop2.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_10 = "CM";
po1Loop2.PO1.ProductServiceID_11 = "321";
po1Loop2.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_12 = "SM";
po1Loop2.PO1.ProductServiceID_13 = "12345";
// End PO1 Loop 2
// Begin PO1 Loop 3
var po1Loop3 = new Loop_PO1_855();
// UPC 9-99988-88800-1
// Quantity Ordered 1(Each)
// Kohl’s SKU NONE
// Vendor Style 981RACK
// NRMA Color Code(CM) NONE
// Vendor Color(VE) NONE
// NRMA Size Code(SM) NONE
// Vendor Size(SZ) NONE
po1Loop3.PO1 = new PO1();
po1Loop3.PO1.AssignedIdentification_01 = "000003";
po1Loop3.PO1.QuantityOrdered_02 = "1";
po1Loop3.PO1.UnitorBasisforMeasurementCode_03 = "EA";
po1Loop3.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_06 = "UP";
po1Loop3.PO1.ProductServiceID_07 = "999988888001";
po1Loop3.PO1.ProductServiceIDQualifier_08 = "VA";
po1Loop3.PO1.ProductServiceID_09 = "981RACK";
// End PO1 Loop 3
// 3 is the Number of Items
result.CTTLoop = new Loop_CTT_855();
result.CTTLoop.CTT = new CTT();
result.CTTLoop.CTT.NumberofLineItems_01 = "3";
return result;
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