X12 214 Shipment Status
The EDI 214 transaction set represents a Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message. It is typically used by transportation carriers, such as trucking companies, to provide shippers and consignees with the status of their shipments. A 214 document may include the following information:
- Where shipped from – name and address
- Shipment location – may include address or coordinates
- Dates and times – including pickup and estimated delivery
- Proof of delivery – including location and who signed for delivery
- Shipment status details – including reasons for status and lading exception information
- Shipment description – including weight, packaging, and quantity information
X12 214 Specification
X12 214 specification is available at:
X12 214 Code Example
X12 214 code example is available at:
X12 214 Sample File
ISA*00* *00* *16*SENDER1 *14*RECEIVER1 *071216*1406*U*00204*000000263*1*T*>~ GS*IN*SENDER1*RECEIVER1*20071216*1406*000000001*X*004010~ ST*214*0006~ B10*123456**BAWC**RU*ROUTE1~ L11*55555555*EQ~ N1*SF**92*23083C~ N4*DECORAH*IA**US~ N1*ST**92*00073~ N4*SUMMIT*IL**US~ MS3*BAWC*B**GG~ LX*1~ AT7*X3*NS***19970925*0830*CT~ MS1****0914726*0431836*W*N~ SE*12*0006~ GE*2*000000001~ IEA*1*000000263~
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